Graphics: 6 - because they were ripped well from the game however the ones that were created by you (blood, alpha circles, etc.) were done very poorly. Also the physics of bodies flying and all the rest were very awkward.
Style: 2 - the story line was standard. The idea has been done a million times before.
Sound 3 - Standard repetition of MP3 zelda music. There weren't many sound effect but overall there was no distortion so perhaps 3 is a little low.
Violence: 4 - Fairly violent, but not animated violence. just lots of blood.
Interactivity: 10 - There is nothing wrong with the selection menu's and all the rest.
Humor : 1 - Nothing funny about it, but it wasn't completely un-funny.
Overall 4: The ideas been done before, the story line was standard and boring ; however, it was done fairly well. There is a lot beter stuff on NEWGROUNDS than this. It will most likely maintain a highg score though due the the large number of imature losers on newgrounds that are obssessed with ZELDA regardless of content.