nothen new.... or special!
You took an old game and copied it exactly!! Though it isn't bad it's rather buggy, I shot the golpher things sometimes and they never blew up... another thing wouldn't it have been funnier if you had to hit the golphers with a HAMMER rather than a gun.... mabye with M.C. hammers picture on it or somthen? Thus the name hammers revenge??? This had really nothing to do with hammers revenge other then the fact it was playing a hammer song??? And to add originality you could have added a few power moves or somthing different like BAD GOLPHERS that pop up and shoot you every now and again if you don't shoot them, or perhaps a golpher with a bomb over his head so if you shoot him he blows up and you lose points! Oh well, jsut a few suggestions that prolley could have made this better! It wasn't bad, continue makeing movies just take a little more time to think how to make your game or movie special and you will be well on your way ;)